Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh my GOSH!! I have just found the 4 nicest recipes of all time and eternity.
For the convenience of those reading, i will provide the heavenly and healthy recipe's below :D

RECIPE'S Straight From Marvin's Kitchen!

Dish One: Mother Kway Teow
Serves: 2 people

Dish Two: Father Popiah
Serves: 1/3 person

Dish Three: Golden Fried Rice
Serves: 1 person

Dish Four: Crystal Clear Noodle soup without the noodles
Serves: 1 person's leg

I hope that my recipes were particularly useful for you so that you might be able to prepare these special dishes for that special someone!! :D

Have a Nice Day! :D
8:07 AM
because of not yes ..   

Monday, August 4, 2008

For the past six weeks life for me has been very interesting. I have leart new words that have help me to express my emotions. To allow myself to be a better man with a better character and kinder heart. That word my friends, is a loaf of bread. "something like that...". Okay from now on i am a changed man and i am going to be serious..."ya right" DUH. But anyway, straining away from the things that are random for now, in the past six weeks i have watched three shows. The movie "taare zameen par" everychild is special, thirteen days and august sun.
The hindi movie taare zameen par is a very different movie from what i had expected. Men did not chase women round and round coconut trees while singing songs i did not understand. Instead it was a really emotional movie that made me realise that every child is special, especially me. Partly because i am very handsome.
Thirteen days is a show with its actual dates of 14 days changed as the number 13 in the american society represents bad luck. The show was about the cuban missile crisis and it was really exiting especially for the boys as there were the sophisticated machines that all boys have always fancied.
The last show i watched was August sun. "No people, the movie is not about a sun in august"! only a fool would think of such nonsense like that, thats why i was smart enough to have not thought of that at all..."ya right". Anyway, the show is about people in sri lanka and how they survived in the time of conflict between the sinhalese army and the liberation tigers of tamil eelam. I didnt manage to watch the complete movie but to where i had stopped. It was faily interesting and gave me a deeper insight into what really happeded during that time of conflict.

Well its soon reaching the "O levels" and on the 19th of August i have a date with the start of my prelims. This is why i have been studying like the good natured quiet harworking and intelligent boy that i really am... :D (for those who actually want to believe this, go ahead knock yourselves out)

For my recent common test results, i had amazingly managed to score an impressive L1B4 score of (let the number be x) which is really to me the ULTIMATE of MORE ULTIMATENESS'ness.

Right now im starting to do my revision for history and social studies for my prelims and wow, i have a lot to study! I also have my coursework to do and this just makes me feel like a loaf of bread. You know that popular saying " study hard and play hard, but dont be a loaf of bread".
Well i think i have reached the point of that, the point of no return, the point of no bread.... so i will have to change my studying strategies to be able to achieve this balance.

Best be
Ready to

THIS, IS RANDOM!!! Have a nice day :D
6:03 PM
because of not yes ..   

Monday, April 14, 2008

Succulent Tender chicken with juicy thighs receipe in full detail
One whole tender chicken
Cook the chicken by cooking it
serve not cold, which is hot
8:54 PM
because of not yes ..   

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Crowds are without a doubt difficult to manage, especially if they are made up complete strangers. In a large public crowd, people can do as they please, there is usually no figure of authority and things tend to get very chaotic. Take for example a Singaporean fair. In Singapore, many can be described as “Kiasu” an unofficial term for “being very opportunist and precautious”. In Singapore, fairs such as a computer fair can be very, very chaotic, as you would imagine, as people tend to behave with this “kiasu” attitude.Every year I attend the annual Singapore IT fare, and as per the norm, the crowd was massive and uncontrollable. Everywhere I turned, there were sales which in a way, metaphorically speaking, act as a light source drawing people like swarms of insects all frantically rushing to get the best bargain at the cheapest prices. It seems almost impossible to get through these barricades, however, if not for the people who traffic the customers, no one would get anywhere and nothing would be done.

When controlling small children, there isn’t really much a person can do but to entice children with sweets and candy and trade the candy for their silence and cooperation as a child’s sweet tooth would always get the better of it. However, in handling teenagers, it is a totally different case altogether. Teenagers would never accept candy for their cooperation when in crowds or groups, the only way to get a teenage group’s attention, is to have a fierce and older figure that teenagers can look up to and yet fear at the same time. Only these figures of authority are able to gain a teenagers respect and be able to control them and that is why in secondary schools, there are headmasters which discipline the students by different forms of “persuasion” usually by the notorious shouting and detention. In camps, when students run camps for other students, the leaders usually control the crowd not by force, but by making friends with them, similar to making an alliance only there are no papers and real agreements between the students.

However, when handling adult groups, things can get rather nasty, as adults can be unpredictable. Some will follow instructions given by superiority while some may do as they please without a care in the world. Even with the law in place, some may still choose to disobey and react violently if given instructions by others. Take for example a group of drunken people. Drunkards are not allowed to drive once in their state but however, if someone advises them to not do so, they both agree and follow advice, or react and attack the person. Thus adults are unpredictable and in my opinion, the only way to handle an adult group is through the police.

And so, my suggestion for controlling the behaviour of a large group of people would be to have a figure of extreme authority always in place to induce fear into groups of people so as to have order and control over the people.
And in my opinion, that would be me as I am the fiercest Big Bad Boss there is on the Planet!!!
7:27 AM
because of not yes ..   

Let me tell you a story.... once upon a time i had always wanted a dog and when i finally got it, i named my dog, dog. One day dog, my dog, met another dog at the park whose name was not dog, but was a dog, which was similar to my dog, dog. Dog, my dog, was angry and called the other dog not named dog, a dog. Instinctively the other dog not named dog reacted in a dog like manner which was bark and more bark, and still more bark. Which was very dog like for a dog that was like my dog, dog, even though it wasnt him as dog was my dog and a very good dog unlike the other dog not named dog.
6:48 AM
because of not yes ..   

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dear blog which is not diary, Today Roy and I had planned what we were going to do after our O-levels and this is what we decided to do all in one day next year.
We had decided that we were going to go to a very expensive Salon in Suntec City and cut our hair to a stylish cut, perm our hair, then dye our hair, then have hair treatment, rebond out hair, highlight our hair, Gel it up, wash away the Gel, then put more Gel then have extentions and extend our hair on the right side of the fringe to about 30 cm, then connect the edge of the extended fringe to the left side of our fringe and cut the top of our right fringe so that the extention would then be on our left fringes and then cut that extention. Then shave Bald and extend the hair on the floor. Then rub oil on our heads, fry egg, throw away the egg, drink water and go home.
Well I cant wait for that day! But i sure have to wait for the O-Levels to finish before i can cut my hair to that new hairstyle that i had always dreamed of but until then, its time to mug mug and mug! MORE MUGGING!!!
4:44 AM
because of not yes ..   

Tomorrow is a very special day for it is the 26th of february which is a very important and significant date because it is not yesterday but tomorrow, also because it is Wei Siong Birthday which is not important because it is important!

4:41 AM
because of not yes ..   


I am a 15 year old, GORGEOUS HUNKY MALE, (student).

I LOVE ....
Talking to my wooden cupboard named billy
Fat Men
Eating Mould
Taking pictured of the floor and only the floor
Using handphones that do not work
Donuts from Munchy donuts and Donut factory!!
Creamy Smooth Milky Delectable Chocolates!

my not likes, which is DISLIKES ...
Eating things that i like to eat
The 17th of december for it is a random date
All things i like



February 2008..
March 2008..
April 2008..
August 2008..
September 2008..


Wei Siong!!..
Shen faye!!!..
Roy Chua!!..
Yvonne Yu..


Free Counter
photos .. Jeff Thomas  
piceditor .. PS7  
htmleditor .. notepad  
designer .. Tiiin*  
brushes .. Miss M